HPV Vaccination

HPV, a prevalent virus, has the potential to induce cancer in individuals across all genders. In the absence of vaccination, approximately 80% of adults will experience an HPV infection during their lifetime. For the majority, this virus remains asymptomatic and benign, often going unnoticed. Its primary mode of transmission is through skin-to-skin contact during sexual interactions. Fortunately, vaccination against HPV infection has been accessible for an extended period and serves as a safeguard against HPV-related cancers.

The HPV Vaccination is free if you are 9 to 26 years old.

HPV vaccine, known as Gardasil 9 protects against the development of abnormal precancerous cells and cancers caused by the HPV virus. Gardasil protects against the 9 serogroups, which include the 4 that cause approximately 20% of cervical cancers.

The vaccine is part of the school-based immunisation programmes and is recommended for those from 9 – 45 years of age, however it is funded in pharmacy for those that are under the age of 27 years. It can also be funded for those that are in special groups if meeting the eligibility criteria, please speak to your pharmacist if you are wanting to be vaccinated with Gardasil 9.


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